Figuring out the Head

Not a huge focus on anatomy - more of a focus on form and being able to draw a head from imagination from lots of different angles. I like to use a combination of the Loomis method and Hampton's examples. Start with a basic sphere, cut off the sides, find the brow ridge, measure out the chin, create a jaw line, then measure and place the remaining features. Proko has some really good video tutorials and examples as well.

Practicing some basic head construction.
Some more basic head construction.

Trying a couple different ways to construct the head then light it from a random angle.

Eyeballs! Practicing the form, placement, and different shapes of eyes.

The nose! Understanding nose construction is great, but I need to practice rendering it nicely still.

The mouth and lips. I'm sure I'll be revisiting this when I start practicing expressions.

Finally we have some ears.

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